Friday, May 23, 2008

September 14th event update

The following is an update from Susan Radecki :

This is what I know so far about the event at Picton United Church on Sun. Sept. 14th. We have a granny named Sue Cousineau from the Ottawa area . She can stay with me the night before. She will speak during the church service for 15 min. Then the ladies (and perhaps men) of the church will provide a lunch.

After the lunch we will take over. We can have the sanctuary for free. I will ask the Bay of Quinte Sweet Adelines to sing and I should know on Mon. night about that. I also belong to the county drumming circle if you want to ask them to perform. We were also thinking that Sue Cousineau should be given another opportunity to speak at this time , and perhaps Wilma as well .
All suggestions are welcome.

Sue Cousineau Information
Chelsea, Quebec

Sue is chair and founding member of the Grassroot Grannies, a granny group formed in 2006 from the Kanata – Ottawa region. In May 2007, Sue and her group members hosted three South African grandmothers from GAPA (Grandmothers Against Poverty and AIDS) at their Mother’s day fundraising event and potluck dinner. She was also a member of organizing committee for the September 2007 Grandparents Solidarity March in Ottawa.

Throughout her 30-year professional career, she has been a high school teacher, university professor, senior project manager with the federal government, and the Executive Director of the Canadian Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (CAHPERD). Sue has also served as the Director of the Commonwealth Sport Development Program (CSDP), an international development program of the Commonwealth Games of Canada, operating in Africa and the Eastern Caribbean. She has worked and traveled extensively throughout Europe, South America, Asia, Africa and the Caribbean including 15 years of experience leading cycling tours in Europe. Sue is a mother of two and a granny of a 2½ year old granddaughter and an 11 month old grandson.

Sue will visit Reach One Touch One Ministries (ROTOM) in Uganda; Hillcrest AIDS Centre Trust in South Africa; and will then travel on to Swaziland for a series of workshops and the International Women’s Day Grandmothers Rally and Celebration.

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